You have landed on the LUCKY STRIKE Ashtabula Charter “outdoors” link exchange page. Whether it be walleye, yellow perch, steelhead trout, or smallmouth bass I’m sure you will be satisfied when booking a Lake Erie Ashtabula charter..
The Lucky Strike is docked in the central basin of Lake Erie at Kister Marina in Ashtabula, Ohio. Ashtabula charter trips are noted for their trophy walleye charters. Our yellow perch, smallmouth bass, and steelhead trout also come aboard as trophy sized fish. Our Ashtabula charter fishing is recognized as some of the best freshwater fishing in the world and Lake Erie has been dubbed “the walleye capital of the world” Pound for pound we simply out-produce other areas of Lake Erie. If you are looking for that trophy to hang on the wall you are visiting the right place……. Ashtabula charter central basin of Lake Erie – truly fishing charters that can’t be beat!
Webmasters, if you have a fishing related website and are looking for free fishing links contact us with your URL and text link only and after review we will be happy to add it as long as 1) It is clean and family oriented and 2) you exchange a link with us in return.
Click free link exchange and send us your full URL, a short description of what you do or what text you wish to be shown on the link. We will send you an email return when your free fishing or outdoor link has been added. Your privacy with us is insured as we do not give your information to anyone.
ASHTABULA CHARTERS….home of Lake Erie trophy walleye and yellow perch!
Alaska Fishing Lodge Finest Alaska fishing. Our top Kenai River guides specialize in fishing for trophy Alaska salmon, wild Rainbow Trout and also Alaska fly out fishing. We offer the Alaska fishing trip of a lifetime.
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Hunt fish camp Wisconsin – Outdoor directory of North America and Europe with hunting, fishing, and camping information
Maryland – Virginia saltwater fishing – This website provides information on fishing, boating, hunting, kayaking, computers and electronics. Topics include saltwater fishing along the Atlantic coast of Maryland, Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay. Covers inshore, offshore and deep sea fishing.
National hunting and fishing Day
Pennsylvania Outdoor – Pennsylvania Outdoor, your complete guide to Pennsylvania Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Lodges, Bed & Breakfast Inns, events, activities and much more.
Water and Woods – Dedicated to the outdoors
If you would like to see if a certain date is available for your next
Lake Erie Ashtabula charter call us at 440-997-7010 or 440-599-1028
For your next Ashtabula charter on Lake Erie, fishing for the elusive trophy walleye, yellow perch, smallmouth bass, or steelhead trout call Captain Art at 440-997-7010 or 440-599-1028. We are docked in Ashtabula Ohio, Lake Erie and regularly fish the ports of Ashtabula, Geneva, and Conneaut, OH
LUCKY STRIKE Sport fishing – Lake Erie Ashtabula charter
6101 McNutt Ave.
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
United States – fishing charter boat captains – sport fishing charters – fishing charters on Lake Erie, Ashtabula charter Ohio
Visit the “LUCKY STRIKE” at the dock, #33-S at Kister Marina, Ashtabula, Ohio
- Email: If you would like to request general information about Lake Erie fishing charters click ask the captain
Lucky Strike…… Ashtabula Ohio fishing Lake Erie fishing charter boat bringing corporate, executive, business,
novice and experienced anglers from all over the world an exciting fresh water fishing experience. Ladies…..
no need to let the men have all the fun. Get your group together and let the guys play Mr. mom while you go fishing!
LUCKY STRIKE Sport fishing – Lake Erie Ashtabula charter